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广东中美建筑设计院有限公司成立于一九九三年,是经国家建设部、外经贸部、工商总局批准成立的中外合作设计公司,具备国家建筑 设计甲级资质、消防设计甲级资质、规划设计丙级资质,可承担国内所有民用与工业建筑设计、小区规划设计、室内装饰设计、环境绿化设计 及建筑工程咨询等业务。 公司荟萃中外文化,具备体制创新、技术前瞻、视野开阔、人才集聚的后发优势,规模逐年壮大:现总部设于广州市,在长沙市、汕 头市等地设有分公司,目前各类技术人员约130人,其中高级职称人员36人,中级职称人员52人、一级注册建筑师12人、一级注册结构工程师16 人、注册规划师2人。 公司成立以来,积极参与各地城市建设,以前期策划、项目论证及设计为重点,以科研、实践并重为发展方向,并在此基础上以理论 与具体实际相结合,为各社区建设提供优质高效的服务。目前完成工程设计项目近千项,其中部分项目在省市和全国性设计竞赛及优秀工程设 计评选中获得各种奖项。在汕头市博物馆设计中,率先将具有世界先进水平的工程隔震技术应用于该高层公共建筑项目上,深受业主称心赞许 同时,更是得到各级建设主管部门及工程学术界的好评。 秉承十多年来积淀形成的严谨的技术管理体系,丰富的工程设计经验,优秀的企业团队文化,厚积而薄发,公司已在业界具有相当知 名度与影响力。面向21世纪,公司将继续引进国外的先进设计理念,进一步加强与国内外同行的交流合作,努力提高设计水平和服务质量,坚持质 量第一,用户至上的原则,树立良好的企业形象和社会声誉,为繁荣创作,美化城市作出更多贡献。 GUANGDONG East-West Architects Inc.is a joint venture international architectural/engineering/district planning and dry corporation in China. our was granted a Class A lincense(190901-SJ) from the central government of China in 1993. the company is made up of a strong group of different specialists, such as the national granted first class architects and engineers, some other specialists in water and electrical design as well as air conditioning desig and specialist inbudgetary estimate. Now the company is ready to undertake designs in the fields of civil engineering projects,Plot plan design and interior decoration design, landscape design and feasibility study and consulting services. Ever since its funding the company has taken an active part in the construction of other cities.Its service is unique,advanced and gighly efficient .Its has competed neraly a Thousand of projects,among those some have won different prizes in national,provincial or city competitions. The company is the first to carry out the practice of seismic-isolation design,which is the most advanced technology is the world,in public building--"Shantou Museum".Its successful practice has won high praise from specialists in this field .Through these years of practice the company has been trying its effect in the city construction and has achieved good fame in the society .As we are setpping into the new century,we'll still focus our efforts on achieving design quality and high service standards.All things considered,we are here to serve the needs and desires for a better built environment and to contribute to the quality of life of those we touch.


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  • 法人代表:李庆生

  • 单位性质:中外合作

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